Ages: 24 – 36 months
Goals: To provide a loving, caring and safe environment where caregivers encourage and interact with toddlers as they learn about the world around them.
Curriculum: Our Intermediate Toddler program is a play-based program that focuses on the following developmental areas: physical, emotional/social, sensory and cognitive. Toddlers learn through their own experiences using trial and error, repetition, imitation and identification. Our caregivers use interactive strategies to support children’s growth and learning. We believe that children learn best through play – direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects and events. Toddlers are encouraged to discover the world around them by exploring and playing. Caregivers are always nearby to offer support as children play and learn. Each classroom is arranged around specific types of play such as: housekeeping, dramatic play, block area, art, small toys, movement, sand table, and music.
By providing a flexible, yet predictable daily routine, the children are given a sense of control over the events of the day. For example, group time might always follow snack time which, in turn, is always followed by choice time and so on. Structuring the program around a regular routine enables the caregivers to build trust and autonomy in the children.
Sensory development is encouraged through activities such as touching differently textured items, tasting new foods, hearing and making new sounds, etc. Physical development is encouraged through gross and fine motor activities, as well as encouraging healthy diets and providing adequate times for rest. Emotional/social development is encouraged through interacting with the children and providing a safe and secure environment. Cognitive development is encouraged through activities such as group time where caregivers read to the children and lead them in songs, fingerplays and rhymes, as well as discussing the theme of the day and other relevant topics.
We are pleased to provide a safe and loving environment for your child and look forward to sharing this rewarding time with you and your family.
Ages: 12 –24 months
Goals: To provide a loving, caring and safe environment where caregivers, through activities such as feeding, play and music, encourage and interact with toddlers as they learn about the world around them.
Curriculum: Loving caregivers and dependable routines are a young toddler’s curriculum. Our young toddler program focuses on the following developmental areas: Physical, emotional, social, sensory and cognitive. Toddlers learn through their own experiences using trial and error, repetition, imitation and identification. Our caregivers guide and encourage this learning by ensuring that the environment is both safe and emotionally supportive. We encourage language development by speaking with the children and not at them, naming objects, describing events and reflecting feelings. Sensory development is encouraged through touching new things such as shaving cream, ice cubes and sand, as well as seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting various objects. Physical development is encouraged through both gross and fine motor activities. Social development is encouraged through group activities such as songs, stories, games and mealtimes. And finally, cognitive development is encouraged through stories, songs and numerous opportunities for trial and error.
Some of the milestones and accomplishments of the young toddler are:
Walks alone
Sits down voluntarily
Obeys simple requests
Playful imitation
Runs stiffly
Places objects in a cup or pail
Builds tower of 2 or more blocks
Finger feeds self
Walks up/down stairs
Uses crayons, etc.
Helps dress/undress self
We are delighted to provide a loving, caring and safe environment for your child and look forward to sharing this rewarding and exciting time with you and your family.